Banquet check in at the Holiday Inn. Rick Kazar and myself greeting the masses.
Committee Member Richard Kazar with Martha McGettigan, General Vallejo descendant.
L-R Milton and Mary Kate Rorie with Donald Stan Jones.
The Quinton Simison family.
Table 16. L-R Mr. and Mrs. Jim Cruickshank, Mr. and Mrs. Mike Adinolfi, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Mitchell and Mr. and Mrs. Wes Kouns.
Help me out with these names?
Another group I need names for.
The crowd enjoying the speeches of Captains Don England and Jack Nunnelley.
Tom Peschke, Mike Mohn, John Cooper and Bill Linne.
The plank owners gather poolside at the Holiday Inn.
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Site created by Jim Carter, STSSN(SS) Blue Crew 77-80