Roger Salquist and Bob Jones
The Mess Decks are lively
Ed Turner, Bill Priest and Gene Peacher
Entrance to Floyd Lamb State Park
Bill Hoffman and Bill Bixby
Wes Kouns and Jim Vennard toss some horseshoes
Tim Marckel sends one flying
Look at that form!
Tim Marckel and Jim Carter run for cover
Keeping it cool in the shade
Smile big!!
Looking thru the memories
Mike Steiner and Bill Gray
Mike Steiner and Rich "Alkie" Alkire
John Anderson
Jerry Bryson and wife
Stephen Crowley
Clay Hill
Alkire, Hill, Steiner, Griffin, Manchur
John Baadte and wife
The Chow Wagon
Jake Rife and Steve Manchur
Bill Griffin and Rich Alkire
Submarine Wives are the Most Beautiful!!