MM2(SS) Joe Meier, MM2(SS) Bryan Coffey, and MM1(SS) Brian Wake give Steam Line Rupture training, summer patrol 1991


MM1(SS) Scott "Scooter" Manning and his trusty rivet gun, summer patrol 1991.


Most of ELT Division, summer 1991. Left to Right: MM1's Hekkala, Fred Maess, J.D. Rogers, and Brian Wake.


MM1(SS) Hekkala was sick with the "Hekku-crud" about 364 days a year. Wake shields himself from the caustic mist.


MM3(SS) Jason P. Sulak


SKC(SS) Bill Jordan and MM2(SS) John Vavryshko - aka "The Vegetable"

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Site created by Jim Carter, STSSN(SS) Blue Crew 77-80